
Nature and Wildlife Photography

These are a few of the images of birds I have. If you see something that you like, I probably have additional images that are similar. Please ask.

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Snowy Owl, Minnesota
Snowy Owl Wing Touching Snow, Minnesota
Snowy Owl Napping on its Back, Minnesota
Snowy Owl in Flight, Minnesota
Peacock Tail Fan, Costa Rica
Male Anna's Hummingbird, Arizona
Great Horned Owl, Arizona
Harris Hawks, Arizona
Barn Owl, Arizona
Loon Flex, Minnesota
Broad Billed Hummingbird, Arizona
Hummingbird at Blue Sage, Minnesota
Hummingbird in Dahlia, Minnesota
Hummingbird Feeding on Sage, Minnesota
Male Bufflehead Duck on the Wing - Washington
Snowy Egret - Florida
Great White Egret - Texas
Great Blue Heron Nest Building - Minnesota
Great Blue Heron - Minnesota

Trumpeter Swan with Cygnet - Minnesota

Great Blue Heron Rookery - Minnnesota
Osprey with Fish Coming into the Nest - Minnesota
Female Merganser Duck - Minnesota
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird - Minnesota

Great Blue Heron Treetop Landing - Minnesota

Male Great Blue Heron in Flight - Minnesota
Hummingbird - Costa Rica

Hummingbird - Costa Rica

Hummingbird - Costa Rica

Male Violet Sabrewing Hummingbird - Costa Rica

Hummingbird - Costa Rica
Male Violet Sabrewing Hummingbird - Costa Rica

Hummingbird - Costa Rica

Hummingbird - Costa Rica

Hummingbird Eye Reflection - Costa Rica

Hummingbird - Costa Rica

Hummingbird - Costa Rica

Hummingbird - Costa Rica

Trumpeter Swans With Cygnets - Minnesota
Male Mallard Flexing - Minnesota

Male Mallard Flying over a Trumpeter Swan - Minnesota

Trumpeter Swan, Take off Right at You - Minnesota
Great White Egret Fishing - Minnesota

Great Blue Heron with Fish - Minnesota

Female Merganser Duck, Minnesota

Great White Egret, Minnesota
African Starling, Chobe, Botswana
Flamingos, Namibia
Trumpeter Swan with Cygnets, Minnesota
Osprey, Minnesota

Mallards on the Wing, Minnesota

Heron Eating Crawfish, Texas
Male Wood Ducks, Minnesota
Female Mallard, Minnesota
Geese into the Sunset, Minnesota
Flamingo at Rest, Minnesota

Oriole, Minnesota

Bluejay with Corn, Minnesota

Crested Heron, Texas
Blue Winged Teal Flexing, Baja, Mexico

Pelican, Baja, Mexico

Hummingbird Protecting Bee, Minnesota
Great White Egret, Baja, Mexico

Osprey with Fish, Baja, Mexico

Osprey on Cacti, Baja,Mexico

Blue Winged Teal, Baja, Mexico

Snowy Egret, Baja, Mexico

Snowy Egret, Baja, Mexico

Sparrow Hawk Pair, Baja, Mexico

Bald Eagles fighting over fish, Minnesota
Immature Bald Eagle with Fish, Minnesota